With InfoImagination, everything is possible. Our business intelligence expertise in Google Analytics / GoogleAdwords combined with innovative analysis and research methods unleash powerful tools that enhance your communication and organizational goals.
Digital market penetration begins with an advanced website. InfoImagination properly designs and structures Mobile-First, Responsive websites that provide maximum visibility across desktops and mobile devices. InfoImagination specializes in creating Internet images and brand recognition campaigns for individuals, small businesses and large organizations.
InfoImagination is known for creating cool, flashy websites with the latest innovations in Internet technology, while communicating your message effectively and furthering your organizational image. Our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies are proven effective at directing customers to your website.
InfoImagination ensures your website "works" for you. Do you have an old-fashioned, static site or does your website interact dynamically with your visitors and make you money (Web 2.0)? Is your website helping your business or organization be more efficient? Let InfoImagination show you how to turn your basic website into a dynamic and interactive Web application./
InfoImagination specific services include:
Request a FREE Marketing Evaluation for your project. We will help you determine the Most Effective web hosting package, project design and marketing strategy to maximize your goals. InfoImagination shows you how to win on the 'net.
Bootstrap, HTML5, SQL, PHP / MySQL, JQuery, JSON, CSS3, JavaScript; graphic design in PhotoShop and Illustrator.
Custom code web development and application design; Page layout in Adobe InDesign. Specialize in Internet development and illustration; new media applications for the Internet, smartphones and video environments; and integration with Social Media, such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and more.
Hey InfoImagination,
Thanks for your help! You've been one of the best web specialists I've worked with. Below is the updated video code.
Thank you,
Geoff Toomey
Client Development Manager
CGI Communications
Aloha InfoImagination,
Thank you for the tip. I just got the website up and running, my first attempt. I would definately be open to trade for some advice or help with my website. I appreciate the contact and hopefully you will look me up when you return to Kauai. Let me know when you will be here.
Kind regards,
Greg Davis
Hoku Water Sports
Wow!!! That was awesome. thanks for all you do for HSF.
Cody Graham
Hawaiian Surf Foundation
Aloha InfoImagination,
I've been waiting for your e-mail! I inherited the Ning site from somebody else and really don't know enough to be effective. I've figured out a little bit of HTML, but it's not my forte'.
Our chapter can really use another person with some internet and computer savvy. Right now, I'm the only one in our chapter, answering e-mails and maintaining the web-site. Plus I have a more then full-time job. Can you come to our next meeting and meet the rest of the Exec. committee? It is July 20th Tuesday, 6:30 PM in Wailua. Or if you can get rid of the spammy people now, or advise me how, I'd do it. Or we could meet, I live on So Shore.
We can really use another member who has some computer understanding. We are all volunteer and are very happy to accept any help you're willing to offer.
My personal e-mail is copied above, cell phone below. I don't check this e-mail everyday, due to previously mentioned job. Please drop me a line or give me call, we can use your help.
-Steve Benjamin
Chair Kaua'i Chapter Surfrider Foundation
Aloha InfoImagination,
Just checking in. Been super hectic this week with minimal time in the office and maximum time in mtgs. I do have it on my list and will shoot you a link soon. Thanks again for helping out — excited on this.
Malama Kaua'i News!
InfoImagination performs a wide range of research and evaluation services, including policy analysis, media awareness, perception research and image creation, and focused marketing campaigns. Our experienced staff regularly participate in local, state and national political forums, and provide indepth market and economic analysis for small businesses.
InfoImagination also specializes in professional and technical writing, assists with the development of eCommerce and traditional business plans, conducts market analysis, and prepares multi-media presentations. With InfoImagination, everything is possible...
InfoImagination has prepared a policy brief for leaders on Kaua'i and the Hawaiian islands about the renewable energy, hydrogen. This is a clean, viable source of energy that can revolutionize our society. We ask leaders, officials and interested citizens to review our Hydrogen Power for Kaua'i proposal.
In 1998 attorneys general from 46 states signed a landmark $216 billion accord with the tobacco industry. InfoImagination provided a number of important policy analyses to the New Mexico legislature related to this topic.
Without evaluation, it is impossible to grow and improve. InfoImagination has implemented over a hundred research projects. The format for these studies have included mailed questionnaires as well as by-phone and in-person interviews. InfoImagination specializes in randomly-generated participant selection that allows costs to be minimized, while maintaining data integrity and validity.
Why conduct a full-blown, expensive study when a customized small group review may provide the analysis your organization needs? InfoImagination provides focus group moderation, participant selection and detailed analysis of the collected information.
Request a FREE Research Evaluation
InfoImagination assisted Allenbey's with the development of a professional business plan. We had created a shell for an online e-commerce company. With InfoImagination's help, we were able to attract approximately $2 million in venture capital.
richard cook, president
I was frustrated with my inability to find a job. I'm trying to finish my university program, and the lack of a degree seemed to limit my opportunities. Not only did InfoImagination help me prepare a more professional resume, they also taught me how to re-position my current skills in a more attractive manner. I recently landed an exciting job, and have a new (dream) car to show for it. Thanks to the staff at InfoImagination.
carlos larribas, albuquerque
For not being a therapist, you're the best one I've ever seen. I saw my last therapist for about 3 years, every week, she couldn't get me to say I wasn't broken lol. She'd be super pleased right now. You allowed me to do the work, and asked the questions that needed answers (from me, for me). People spend thousands trying to learn how to do what you just did.
name withheld for privacy purposes
InfoImagination authors creative DVD projects for TV, computer screens and social media. Are you still outputing your priceless memories to amateur formats? Our digitally superior products will stun your audience.
Don't simply play back your message, LifeDVD it!
How about a photo scrapbook of your "BIG DAY"? Possibly you videotaped the event? These items can provide wonderful memories year after year, but have you experienced the DVD revolution? If you're considering investing in a life-long memory, take fifteen minutes to compare our 21st century adaptation of this wonderful tradition!
Expertise in Video and Still Photography, Digital Editing, Final Cut Pro, iMovie, iDVD and AfterEffects. Let us put you in the movies...
Request a FREE Project Evaluation
How about a photo scrapbook of your "BIG DAY"? Possibly you videotaped the event? These items can provide wonderful memories year after year, but have you experienced the DVD revolution?
If you're considering investing in a life-long memory, take fifteen minutes to compare our 21st century adaptation of this wonderful tradition! Early Birds SAVE 25%. Contact us now to reserve your Spring Wedding Package.