InfoImagination has extensive expertise in media development, image and brand creation, Internet marketing, business intelligence and communication theory. Our staff created the first electronic, "paper-free" research lab at the University of New Mexico in 1995. InfoImagination specializes in organizational and contemporary social behavior and provides a unique perspective on Internet and Web-based communications.
InfoImagination's proven formula for success:
TMT Proposed Solution. Presentation to State Senator Mike Gabbard and U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard. Goold. July 20, 2019.
War Against Americans. Presentation to State Senator Mike Gabbard and forwarded to Community Leaders O'ahu. Goold. June 2019.
Hydrogen Power for Kaua'i. Presentation forwarded to County Councilors and Community Leaders Kaua'i. Goold. June 2012.
USA: The Battle for the Bars. Tobacco Control. Goold. 2003 12:6-7.
Faith: The Answer to Fear. Public Service Video Summarizing the History of David Siebers. InfoImagination. Goold, AnnMarie Goold and Mary Kay Pohl. February 2003.
Pink Collar Blues ... Poisoning America's Workforce. Public Service Publication. InfoImagination. Goold and Olivia Lusk. March 2002.
Habit or Addiction? Know the Difference, Break the Cycle. ME! Albuquerque's Health and Fitness Resource. Goold. Volume 2, Issue 1. Jan/Feb 2002, p.20-21.
Project Smokeout: Tobacco Industry Activities in Texas. American Cancer Society, Texas Division. Goold. September 2001.
Tobacco Possession by Minors: Will Outlawing It Help? STOP! Magazine, Inc. Goold and William T. Godshall. No. 5. May/June 2001, p.24-25.
Tobacco Users Are Smokin' Crack. Helping Americans Beat Addition. TobaccoFreedom. Goold. February 2001.
Election 2000: A Political System Facing a Historical Challenge. Photojournalist Documentary of our Nation's Most Exciting Presidential Election. InfoImagination. Goold and AnnMarie Goold. November 2000.
Attorneys General Master Settlement Agreement: A Comprehensive Policy Analysis. InfoImagination. Goold. September 1999.
The Tobacco Industry: A Century of Fraud and Manipulation. TobaccoFreedom. Goold, Anne Landman and AnnMarie Goold. September 1999.
Albuquerque Environmental Noise Study 1998. InfoImagination. Goold and AnnMarie Pohl. May 1998.
Albuquerque Recreational Services and Needs Assessment 1998. Goold, Sarah Duffy and AnnMarie Pohl. May 1998.
Albuquerque Citizen Satisfaction: Assessment of City Services and Policies 1997. Goold and Gary D. LaFree. February 1998.
Who's in New Mexico's Prisons. Goold and Chris Birkbeck. 1998.
Sentencing in New Mexico: A Preliminary Description. Christopher Birkbeck, Raymond V. Liedka, Goold, Kristine Denman and Susan Brumbaugh. February 1998.
Albuquerque Citizen Satisfaction: Police Service Delivery 1997. Goold and Gary D. LaFree. November 1997.
Pursuing the Public's Opinion: A Crisis in Survey Research. Goold. November 1997.
Albuquerque Citizen Satisfaction: Major Open Spaces Review 1997. Goold and Gary D. LaFree. September 1997.
Hello, I'm Calling from ... Why Respondents Refuse to Participate in Telephone Survey Research. Goold. May 1997.
Profile of Offenders Entering New Mexico Prisons, 1991-1994. Christopher Birkbeck, Goold, Dina Hill, Raymond V. Liedka and Robert Thoma. May 1997.
Univerisity of New Mexico Employee Benefits Programs: A Policy Assessment. Goold, Brandon Loftin and Robert Fiala. 1997.
Who's in New Mexico's Prisons. Amelia Rouse, Goold, Bert Useem, Chris Birkbeck and Penelope J. Hanke. 1996.
Risk and Needs Assessment: A Summary Report. Goold, Gianna Mendoza and Chris Birkbeck. March 1996.
Lies, Damn Lies, and Response Rates: The NonCooperation Effect in Telephone Survey Research. Goold. 1996.
Computing Habits and Needs Assessment. Prepared for Computer and Information Resources and Technology (CIRT) University of New Mexico. Goold, Hank Jenkins-Smith and John Gastil. 1994.
Albuquerque Citizen Satisfaction Survey: Assessment of City Services and Policies. Goold, Amelia A. Rouse and Hank Jenkins-Smith. 1991.
Most companies produce videos that scroll hundreds of photos to music. These are generally "one-time-views" and boring to everyone except the immediate cast. InfoImagination offers something far more stunning and memorable! Let us show you our work.
more infoThere are many ways to put your video on a DVD, but amateur video production leaves the viewer unmoved. InfoImagination has revolutionized this concept by putting the honored couple "in the movies." This creative production design is guaranteed to knock your socks off!
more info$10.10 Never Again — Local 5 Union Heroes :: One job should be enough. Diamond Resorts makes this reality harder to reach Modern Honolulu Hotel workers. Corporate owners of Modern Hotel make carrying out plans to reduce and cut services by converting its hotel rooms.
more infoOne of the most rewarding experiences a volunteer can have is assisting a Special Olympics event. InfoImagination designed this touching, family-oriented promotional video for Oregon Special Olympics "HoopCamp." This powerful display of events, athletes and fun leaves everyone with a huge smile!
more infoDo you know what your kids are watching? Do they catch the subtle imagery and innuendo writers and producers weave into programs, movies and news stories they are watching? InfoImagination's analysts focus a critical eye on contemporary media and entertainment. Let us show you what matters in media!
more infoVirginia Gonzales and her Amazon Comic comedy routine entertains New Mexico and the Southwest like a late summer monsoon — her act is clean, refreshing and she's sweeping audiences away! InfoImagination's cost effective marketing tool led to numerous business opportunities. Contact us to increase your exposure.
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